When speaking with Gurdrun last night I heard all about the devlish Krampus (pronounced "gran-poos") that originated in Germany and Austria. Gudrun remembers seeing Krampus when she was young in Germany. Apparently after a little "googling" I found out all kinds of unusual information on this. Here's some of what I found:
"Ingrid" on another blog has this to say about Krampus -- I was in Salzburg years ago as a college student. I’d been warned about Krampus, but still found the whole thing rather overwhelming. I recall seeing one man with his small boy flung over his shoulder, rushing down the sidewalk, trying to stay one step ahead of the many folks out roving the streets, dressed in frightening costumes - some with eyes glowing red. And every one seemed to carry around a large bundle of sticks with which they would not just threaten, but actually beat the legs of anyone foolish enough to get within reach.