My family lives in a neighborhood where it is not uncommon during the summer to hear the back door screen slam followedby a flock of children that trail in after one of your own, inquiring on the status of lunch, snacks or wanting to borrow tools and a bicycle pump. Naturally the Christmas / Chanukah / Kwanza season involves attendance of various and sundry pint and full size neighbors. Several years ago we hosted a holiday gathering that featured a round-robin reading of Berkley Breathed's book "Red Ranger Came Calling". It is a wond
erfully illustrated story of his father's adventures growing up on Vashon Island with an Aunt during the 1930's depression. Berkeley's father, Red, had his sights set on a hopeless quest for a genuine Red Ranger Buck Tweed Bicycle. Red's dream and antics combine with the mysterious arrival of an elf and one Saunder Clos. I figured this story, local to the Pacific Northwest, big on pictures and short on text might make for a fine group read. As we passed the book around, the task of reading the passage where Red reveals his heartfelt wish fell to Owen - aged three. Owen did a charming and smashing job with the paragraph, lisping Red's dream gift of a "Tweed Bicycle" to hard-of-hearing Saunder Clos. Owen finished to applause and gales of appreciative laughter. Owen looked up, somewhat taken aback as he knew he had nailed each word, and said "Mom, why is every one laughing?" Without spoiling the story, I give you Red's wish fulfilled:(attached) The book is available on line and in book stores. Ask for "Red Ranger Came Calling" (A Guaranteed True Christmas Story), by Berkeley Breathed, ISBN 0-316-10881-2 (HC), 0-316-10249-0 (PB)

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